General Track and Invited Session Paper
Submission and Review
Paper Submission
Papers for consideration the conference may be submitted to the General Full or Short Tracks, or to an Invited Session on a specific topic. Authors should in most cases submit to the General Track unless the submission of their paper has been requested by an Invited Session Chair. or the subject of the paper closely matches the topic of the session. Selection of the Full Track, Short Track or a specific Invited Session for submission is by means of a drop-down box on the submission system.
Submissions for the conference must be made as complete papers (there is no abstract submission stage) submitted as PDF documents through the PROSE online submission and review system.
Papers must be formatted according to the Springer instructions to be found Instructions are provided for preparing the document using MS Word and LaTeX - you may use either method.
Each accepted paper will be published as a book chapter, hence authors should follow the Springer instructions as if preparing a single chapter for book. Ignore the section in the Springer instructions entitled "Manuscript Submission to Springer", as authors will submit individual chapters and these will be assembled into a composite manuscript which the conference organisers will submit to Springer.
Full Track PapersFull Track papers should be detailed academic articles in conventional format. The guide length for Full Track papers is 10 pages in Springer format. Papers longer than 10 pages may be subject to an additional charge.
Short Track PapersShort Track papers may be less detailed descriptions than Full Track papers, but should still be complete and self-contained. The guide length for Short Track papers is 6 pages in Springer format.
Invited Sessions PapersAssume that Invited Sessions papers should be 10 pages in length unless the IS Chair specifies a shorter length.
The Review Process
The paper will be sent to two referees for review. After review the editable source files for the paper will be requested for publication (the publication files).
All oral and poster papers must be presented by one of the authors who must register for the conference and pay the fee. By submitting a paper you undertake that you will attend the conference and present the paper if it is accepted. By submitting a paper you also indicate that you accept the conference Terms and Conditions, available by request or on the conference web site, and that you agree to abide by them.